I'm going to cheat on this one a little bit, because I am working on the assumption that you own a penknife.
On a side side note - I have a real issue with the whole knife carrying thing.
I was 8 years old when I was given my first penknife (a crappy swiss army rip-off from my godfather - cheapskate. The saw broke after the first year, but it was my first proper knife).
It never occurred to me that I could use it as a weapon, and although I managed to cut my hand open fairly comprehensively whilst trying to use the crappy saw blade to cut down the tree outside my grandparent's house, I was fairly safe with it.
Skip forward 31 years, and I still manage to slice my fingers on a roughly twice yearly basis and I rarely leave the home without either an Opinel or a multitool - both of which are pretty much illegal and both of them probably get used at least once a day for some minor task or other that would have been impossible if I hadn't bought one with me.
I like walking. I especially like walking in the woods. And if you are walking in the woods on a warm summer evening, there is nothing better than to have a stick in your hand to whittle.
And whittling is fun (well, absorbing anyway). Ultimately though, all you get after an hour of mindless whittling is a smaller, slightly sharper, stick.
Next logical step: Whittle something useful.
Hence spoon carving.
I found out fairly quickly that a pen knife is not enough if you want to create a usable spoon. Even the sharpest knife doesn't possess enough of a curve to create the bowl part of the spoon.
The knife I needed was a Crook Knife - (this kind of thing, but cheaper can be found on Ebay).
Properly sharpened, this little knife makes carving spoons a 100% easier.
Soon you'll be amazing you friends with (at first) things that look a bit like spoons and (later on) actual spoons.
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